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Write an assembly language program that reads move review information from a text file and reports the overall scores for each movie as well as identifying the movie with the highest total score.


Write an assembly language program that reads move review information from a text file and reports the overall scores for each movie as well as identifying the movie with the highest total score. There are four movie reviewers numbered from 1 to 4. They are submitting reviews for five movies, identified by the letters from “A” through “E”. Reviews are reported by using the letter identifying the movie, the review rating, which is a number from 0 to 100, and the reviewer’s identifying number. For example, to report that movie B was rated a score of 87 by reviewer 3, there will be a line in the text file that looks like this:


The fields within each record are separated from each other by a comma.

Your program must store the movie review scores in a two-dimensional array (4 rows by 5 columns). Each row represents a reviewer. Each column represents a movie. Initialize the array to zeroes and read the movie review information from a file. After reading and processing the whole file, display a report that shows the total score for each movie and the movie that had the highest total score.

Section 9.4 of our textbook discusses two-dimensional arrays.  Section 9.4.2 discusses Base-Index Operands and even contains an example of how to calculate a row sum for a two-dimensional array.

Chapter 11 contains an example program named ReadFile.asm that will show you how to prompt the user for a file name, open a file, read its contents, and close the file when you are done. Look in section 11.1.8, Testing the File I/O Procedures.

Each record in a text file is terminated by the two characters, Carriage Return (0Dh) and Line Feed (0Ah).

Assume that you wish to process a text file named “reviews.txt” that is stored on the “C:” drive in the “Data” folder. If you are using a Windows computer, you have two ways to identify the path to the file’s location:

C:/Data/reviews.txt OR C:\Data\reviews.txt

Double backslash characters () are needed because a single backslash is defined as being the first part of an escape sequence such as newline (n).





Project 4 Tip – Loading Array.html

This code can be used to load a reviewer’s score into the array of movie reviews:


; Insert score at reviews[rowIndex][colIndex]

mov      edx,rowSize           ; row size in bytes

mov      eax,rowIndex          ; row index

mul      edx                   ; row index * row size

mov      index,eax             ; save row index * row size

mov      eax,colIndex          ; load col index

shl      eax,2                 ; eax = colIndex * 4

add      eax,index             ; eax contains offset

mov      edx,score             ; edx = reviewer’s score

mov      ebx,OFFSET reviews    ; array of review scores

mov      [ebx + eax],edx       ; Store score for movie


Section 9.4 of your textbook deals with two-dimensional arrays. There is even an example showing how to calculate a row sum. You may be able to adapt this example to calculate a column sum.