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what, if anything, would you have to experience during a “Near Death” Episode to become convinced of the truth of the soul theory?

I would like you to think hard about the following question: what, if anything, would you have to experience during a “Near Death” Episode to become convinced of the truth of the soul theory?
Note a couple of things here. I am not assuming or requiring that you disbelieve in souls. That is your business, not mine. Instead, I am asking you whether or not a first-person NDE would ever constitute conclusive evidence (by your lights) of the soul’s existence. And if it could, what exactly would it have to be like? What precisely would have to occur? No aspect of a first-person NDE could be conclusive (note that I am not telling you to complete this). If this is the case, then address the following question: what kinds of third-person tests or experiments would convince you that NDEs are best explained in terms of the soul?
This is a discussion assignment. So please don’t tell me what you think I want to hear (as my skepticism concerning this stuff is presumably apparent from the lectures). Use this to wrestle with these issues and share your conclusions.