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This essay involves doing “close readings” of two poems and offering a thoughtful interpretation that compares them while engaging some of the techniques, and readings I provided. The two poems I chose for this essay are: Four A.M. By Wislawa Szymborska / Awaking in New York By Maya Angelou

This essay involves doing “close readings” of two poems and offering a thoughtful interpretation that compares them while engaging some of the techniques, and readings I provided. The two poems I chose for this essay are: Four A.M. By Wislawa Szymborska / Awaking in New York By Maya Angelou

Introduce the poems and explain in your own words how you connect them together. Offer images, lines, or words and their connotations to support your interpretation. And feel free to provide your personal identification with the poems (if you choose).
In your discussion, you must incorporate the ideas from the readings (Mary Oliver, Mark Yakich, and Elisa Gabbert). Be specific and quote directly from these sources.