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Soleil, a kindergarten student, was administered three letter name fluency (LNF) probes to determine how many upper- and lower-case letters she is able to identify in one minute. Soleil’s scores were as follows: · Week 1: 7 letters · Week 2: 10 letters · Week 3: 9 letters 1. What is Soleil’s baseline score?

Quiz 3
100 points
Quiz 3 is based on Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of Curriculum Based Measurement: A Manual for Teachers (Wright, n.d.), Chapters 10 and 11 of Salvia et al. (2017), and the CBM Resources folder, located under Course Material.
Soleil, a kindergarten student, was administered three letter name fluency (LNF) probes to determine how many upper- and lower-case letters she is able to identify in one minute. Soleil’s scores were as follows:
· Week 1: 7 letters
· Week 2: 10 letters
· Week 3: 9 letters
1. What is Soleil’s baseline score? (10 points)
2. Go to the Intervention Central website. Click on LNF/LSF Directions and Norms. What is the weekly growth rate for a kindergarten student (at the 50th percentile) in LNF? (5 points)
3. If there are 32 weeks remaining in the school year, what is the performance goal for Soleil? (15 points)
4. Graph the above data (baseline scores) and aimline (i.e., performance goal) using Excel. Label both axes of your graph. Provide a title. (50 points).
5. Include a sample letter name fluency (LNF) probe (5 points). Generate the probe from Intervention Central, and also obtain the items below from that website.
• Add administration directions for LNF (5 points).
• Add materials for LNF (5 points).
• Add scoring guidelines for LNF (5 points).