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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts of the system and expound.

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Pick one of the following topics (your choice) and write a 5 page paper on it. A 5 page paper is roughly 1500 words long. You can use your preferred font and line-spacing, but the upper word limit for your paper is 2000 words: it can’t be longer than 2000 words. Roughly 1500 words is a good target. If your paper is notably below that it is likely too short.

Pick one of the following topics (your choice) and write a 5 page paper on it. A 5 page paper is roughly 1500 words long. You can use your preferred font and line-spacing, but the upper word limit for your paper is 2000 words: it can’t be longer than 2000 words. Roughly 1500 words is a good target. If your paper is notably below that it is likely too short.
Do not put your name on your paper, but only your PID and the name of your TA. All papers will be graded anonymously. To ensure this, you should not put any identifying information in your paper.
The deadline to submit your paper is Wednesday, April 17, 11:15 am.
You should upload your anonymous paper (with your PID and the name of your TA on it) to our Canvas site, where you can do so under “Assignments”
AI recommendation systems are often criticized for containing bias and their lack of interpretability. Should we use AI recommendation systems for important decisions like choosing whom to hire for a job?
Briefly present what you take to be the strongest argument either for or against using such systems (1 page) and then present and develop what you take to be the best objection to this argument (4 pages).
Suppose we could give an Al certain values which we select. Briefly present your best argument that this would solve the alignment problem (1 page) and then present and develop what you take to be the best objection to this argument (4 pages).