For this Performance Task, you will interview your Host Teacher and, if possible, others associated with the program/school and observe in the classroom setting in order to analyze:
- The contextual characteristics of the community, families, and children who are served in the classroom where you have been placed for your field experience
- Strategies and methods utilized by the professional educators to gain insight into the characteristics of the community, families, and children they serve
- How teacher knowledge of this context impacts meaningful learning and teaching experiences
In this Performance-Task Assessment you will investigate and explain the context of the classroom where you are completing your field experience for this competency. In addition, you will analyze strategies for getting to know children and families in an early childhood classroom and the role of context in meaningful learning and teaching. Observations in the classroom and interviews with your host teacher and other professionals in your setting will provide important insights as you complete this performance task.
Note: For this Performance Task Assessment, you are required to draw from not only the resources for the Topics but also your experiences, observations, and Host Teacher and other professionals who work in your field setting. Your conversations with these professionals and your observations in the setting are essential to the successful completion of the Assessment. For additional information regarding the field experience requirements and expectations, please review the BSECS Field Experience Handbook found on the BSECS Field Experience Website.
Note: Your BSECS Field Site Information Form is required to be submitted in ML4001 that provides the site details and contact information for your Host Teacher.
Submission Length: 3 comprehensive questions with responses ranging from 3?5 paragraphs in length.
Professional Skills: Written Communication and Inquiry and Analysis are assessed in this Competency.
Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.
Access the following to complete this Assessment:
- Field Experience Handbook
- Analyzing Contexts to Support Meaningful Learning and Teaching: Teacher Interview
- Analyzing Contexts to Support Meaningful Learning and Teaching: Assessment Questions
Analyzing Contexts to Support Meaningful Learning and Teaching
Analyzing Your Field Experience Context
- Arrange a time to meet with your host teacher to discuss the context for learning and teaching that exists in the classroom where you have been placed for your field experience. If possible, sit down with an administrator (building principal or center director) or other professionals in the building to obtain additional insights. Together, consider the guiding questions as well as other characteristics and information that may be relevant.
Note: Keep in mind that you are seeking information that will help you analyze the context of the classroom where you are completing your field experience for this Competency. In addition, as part of this Competency, you will be analyzing strategies for getting to know children and families in an early childhood classroom and the role of context in meaningful learning and teaching. Observations in the classroom and interviews with your host teacher and other professionals in your setting will provide important insights as you complete this Performance Task Assessment.
- Complete your discussions/observation/interview with your Host Teacher and any other helpful professionals in your field experience setting using the Analyzing Contexts to Support Meaningful Learning and Teaching: Teacher Interview as your guide.
- Complete the Analyzing Contexts to Support Meaningful Learning and Teaching: Assessment Questions.