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For this assignment you will work to develop a Business Case. You are strongly encouraged to use your creativity throughout this assignment.

Overview: For this assignment you will work to develop a Business Case. You are strongly encouraged to use your creativity throughout this assignment.
Purpose: The business plan is perhaps the most important written document a nurse executive (and any entrepreneur) can ever create. The benefit of a business case is that it collects the proposal, outline, strategy, and marketing plan in one document and offers a full look at how the project will benefit the organization. It describes all critical internal and external elements and strategies for guiding the direction of the project. It communicates important management practices, such as how the project will mitigate risk, and how it will manage uncertainty. Most importantly, it allows you to focus on creating sustainable value by mitigating and addressing risk.
Directions: For this assignment, you will create a business case to expand clinical hours of a busy clinic to increase access for patients. you will create the reason for why expansion of hours are important and why they are needed to meet patient needs. Your business case must include the factors contributing to the need for this as well as barriers that might impact its success. Your business case should also include the factors that might influence persons of interest to say “yes”.
Final Product: The final product will be a voiced over PowerPoint recording that will be uploaded to the assignment session.