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explore the impact of gender on leadership. As leaders, men and women may have different leadership approaches, and you will examine some of these differences and their outcomes. You will also look at current statistics of women’s place in the workforce and the pay they receive..

Module 07: Gender and Leadership
You will explore the impact of gender on leadership. As leaders, men and women may have different leadership approaches, and you will examine some of these differences and their outcomes. You will also look at current statistics of women’s place in the workforce and the pay they receive..
Discussion Question
Question Requirements:
Gender and Leadership
You have been asked to create for your Board of Directors best practices for the role that gender plays in leadership style and leadership effectiveness
Discuss 5 specific points you would like to share regarding how gender plays a role in leadership style and effectiveness
Consider now that this is a virtual team what 5 best practices for leading a virtual team with considerations of what females should particularly focus on when leading virtual teams in KSA
Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources.
Write the discuss that includes an introduction paragraph, the body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions.
Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 600 word limit.
Learning Outcomes
Critique the main approaches of the team leadership.
Evaluate the use of a team leadership approach in a formalized leadership setting. Analyze leader decision-making and the issues associated with gender and leadership.
Evaluate how gender plays a role in leadership style and leadership effectiveness.
Required: Leadership: Theory and Practice: Chapter 14 Gender and Leadership
Tuschner, C., Krath, J., Bings, J., Schwenkmezger, M., Etzkorn, M., & von Korflesch, H. F. (2022). “Leading in the digital age: A systematic review on leader traits in the context of e-leadership”. ECIS 2022 Research Papers. 63. West Chester University. (2020, October 30). Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development.
Al-Jaweini, N and Netti, G. (2022, July 29).A new era of female leadership in Saudi business. Arab News.
Chapter 14 PowerPoint Slides – Leadership: Theory and Practice
Proctor, R. A. (2022, May 17). Why positive change in Middle East starts with bringing women into the work force. Arab News. (and read the two articles embedded)
Nagraj, D. (2022, July 13). Virtual Leadership: Understanding The Communication Styles Needed For Leadership In A Virtual World. Forbes.