do the discussion the results and the conclusion LAB REPORT 5 (30 points) on weeks 6, 7 and 8
I. INTRODUCTION – 4 points:
Statement of objectives or aims of the experiment in the student’s own words. This
is not to be copied from the Lab Manual.
Helpful hint: It may be helpful to consider week by week objectives achieved by
learning new techniques (such as dilution) and re-applying old techniques in new contexts
(using a hemacytometer). Please consider how different variables (such as p53
conformation) might be expected to augment or hinder the growth of cells.
This should be a brief synopsis and must include any changes or deviations from the
procedures outlined in the Lab Manual.
III. RESULTS – 10 points:
a) Include photos/images of cells without staining and stained with crystal
b) Include your raw data and calculation for cell counting with hemacytometer
for the growth curve set up.
c) Calculate how many cells you seed in each dish based on your cell counting
and dilution results. Show your calculations.
d) Include the table with data and growth curves plotted on Excel permissive
and non-permissive temperatures.
. Please add the appropriate x-axis label, y-axis label and graph title to the graph
IV. DISCUSSION – 13 points:
Should include:
a. What are the independent variables being manipulated in the experiments you
performed in the class/lab? Theoretically, how should these variables affect
cell growth? Did your experimental data corroborate expected results? Please
consider the temperatures and variant of p53 present (or absent).
b. Which cell lines and conditions demonstrated the fastest and slowest rates of
growth? Please justify your results/expectations using explanations on a
molecular level.
A paragraph
VI. REFERENCES – 1 point:
Credit is given for pertinent references obtained from sources other than the Lab
Manual. This point is in addition to the 30 points for the lab report.