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Distinguish between sociological and sociobiological perspectives on the development of human behavior.


This is on chapter three, the assigned article, and the assigned documentary.

Six paragraphs.

Aim to paraphrase and explain mostly, and use quotes sparingly, and only short ones.
This should be your original writing from what you read. Please include at least TWO
textbook page numbers, like (Kendall, 45), or other source per paragraph (21st
Century – School and Soc), or Frontline 15:28), as an in-text citation.

Paragraph 1, 150 words)

Distinguish between sociological and sociobiological perspectives on the development
of human behavior.

Paragraph 2, 150 words)

Explain the key components of sociologist Charles Horton Cooley’s looking-glass self
theory and explain its contribution to our understanding of the socialization process.

Paragraph 3, 150 words)

Outline the key components of sociologist George Herbert Mead’s role-taking theory
and explain its contribution to our understanding of the socialization process.

Paragraph 4, 150 words)

In addition to the chapter in your book, I am requesting you take a look at 4 sections
from an encyclopedia style entry on Sociology of Socialization. For paragraph two,
please explain what you learned from one of these sections. This reading is available
electronically at the PSU Library, but I included a .pdf of it in our module for
convenience and page numbers.

1) Your first option to read and write on is on page 6: “School and Socialization into
Social Class.” It should be highlighted in yellow in the .pdf and is about five

2) The second option to write on is on page 7: “Peer Group and Cohort Socialization.”
It should be highlighted in yellow in the .pdf and is about four paragraphs.

3) The third option to write on is on page 12: “Organizational Socialization: From
Greedy to Total Institutions.” It should be highlighted in yellow in the .pdf and is about
two paragraphs.

4) The fourth option to write on is on page 13: the large heading, Summation.

Paragraphs 5 and 6, 360 words TOTAL)

View the following video…it is a bit long (1:48) but try to make it to 1:06 to get the full
picture of some of the people highlighted. Using “facts” from the video, such as
people’s names or situations, will improve your paper, such as “for example, the lawyer
in the video said…”

Frontline: Young and Restless in China

Describe one connection between this documentary and the material or concepts
that you read about in the textbook.

Also, answer at least two of these questions:

1. Which agents of socialization have most affected these individuals?
2. How have the social changes that China is experiencing impacted these

young people’s socialization experiences?
3. How does the socialization they have undergone differ from the way previous

generations were socialized?

Links to an external site.

Class book- Sociology in Our Times: The Essentials

Edition, 2018,
Diana Kendall