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Discuss the significance of integrating career development programs with other HR functions, such as performance management, training, selection, and compensation. How can this integration contribute to a public organization’s overall strategic objectives?

Discuss the significance of integrating career development programs with other HR functions, such as performance management, training, selection, and compensation. How can this integration contribute to a public organization’s overall strategic objectives?

B. Respond to this in a discussion.

Integrating career development with other HR functions ensures that employees’ career paths are aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives. When employees’ development goals are in line with the organization’s goals, it fosters a sense of purpose and commitment among employees. Career development programs can also complement performance management by identifying skill gaps and areas for improvement.


Integration allows for a more holistic approach to training and development. By linking career development with training initiatives, organizations can provide targeted learning opportunities that align with employees’ career goals and organizational needs.


Integrating career development programs with other HR functions is essential for public organizations to achieve their strategic objectives by aligning employee development with organizational goals, improving performance management, enhancing training and development efforts, facilitating effective selection processes, informing compensation strategies, promoting talent retention and engagement, and enhancing overall efficiency.