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demonstrate mastery of topics covered specifically include professional understanding of reliability and validity, ability to synthesize research findings and rewrite them using your own words, identify errors in SPSS data entry, and write up descriptive statistics using current professional conventions. These skills will help you both as a consumer and producer of social science research.


PSYC 510

Homework: Descriptive Statistics Assignment Instructions


This assignment allows you to demonstrate mastery of topics covered thus far. It specifically includes professional understanding of reliability and validity, ability to synthesize research findings and rewrite them using your own words, identify errors in SPSS data entry, and write up descriptive statistics using current professional conventions. These skills will help you both as a consumer and producer of social science research.


Download the
Descriptive Statistics Assignment Template as a word document. Do not delete or modify the template, except to insert your answers where indicated. Use graduate-level writing skills and format using current APA conventions. Upload the completed file as a word document or PDF by its due date.

This assignment is worth a total of 50 points.

· Content: point values vary but are indicated in the template and total 40 points.

· Format: point values vary but are indicated in the template for 8 pts. The remaining 2 pts are for placing answers in the correctly designated spots within the template in a clear and easy to read format and uploading it in an approved format (word or PDF). Thus, the maximum is 10 points for format.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.