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Abolitionists in American society. How did Abolitionists impact how the world viewed slavery? How did religion impact the outlook or the worldview of a slave society?


Objectives: Students will learn the impact of Abolitionists in American society.

How did Abolitionists impact how the world viewed slavery?

How did religion impact the outlook or the worldview of a slave society?

Watch the videos on the impact of Abolitionists. Write a combined summary of the watched videos. Summaries should be no less than 400 words. 

Watch: David Walker’s Appealhttps://fod-infobase-com.ecsu1891.idm.oclc.org/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=166807&loid=534974&tScript=0

Watch: Maria Steward Speaks Out https://fod-infobase-com.ecsu1891.idm.oclc.org/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=166807&tScript=0#

Watch: Ricard Allen-https://fod-infobase-com.ecsu1891.idm.oclc.org/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=94957&tScript=0

Becoming Fredrick Douglass-https://fod-infobase-com.ecsu1891.idm.oclc.org/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=283066&tScript=0