This final course project allows you to apply your new knowledge in organizational behavior to evaluate the success of two different companies within the same industry with respect to three specific OB concepts of your choosing (Management, Organizational Culture, Globalization, Employee Motivation, Conflict, Negotiations, Job Satisfaction, Power, Leadership, Communication, Diversity, Decision Making, Ethics, Job/Task Analysis, and Change Management) Examples of companies that you could compare include Southwest Airlines and JetBlue or Chick-fil-A and McDonalds.
What are the similarities and differences that contribute to the success or lack of success in each organization?
How do the behaviors policies and practices in these companies have an impact on their productivity and performance?
Identify 3 OB concepts and compare each organization with your select concepts
This research paper should be 8 pages in length and follow correct APA format. Your analysis should include headings and one table or figure within the text of the paper. Use proper APA formatting for the caption to your table or figure. Use scholarly journals, in-text citations, and provide a reference page with at least seven scholarly journal references. References should cite current research on the OB topics that you select; for example, if you pick ethics, then cite current research on ethics in organizations within your paper. Some other requirements:
Use of AI to help write your work is NOT allowed for this assignment.
No more than brief 3 quotes. (Although quotations can enhance a paper, overuse of quotes can become distraction. Use quotes when the style is so distinctive that you cannot say the same thing as well or as clearly in your own words.)
Avoid careless and unintentional plagiarism. Plagiarism is the use of someone’s words, ideas, or line of thought without acknowledgment.
Have a writing plan for your paper. Include an introduction with a thesis statement. End with a well-written conclusion.
Draft, write, revise, and proof your paper prior to submitting it.
You do not need an abstract or a running head with this analysis
Include different level headings within your analysis
Reread as you write so that you can maintain a consistent tone and style
Write with precision and clarity. Wordiness, redundancy, and empty sentences will result in points deducted. Avoid colloquial expressions and unnecessary jargon.