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discuss your view of the death penalty in a 2-3 page reaction paper. Should it be kept, or abolished? Do you think it is applied fairly along social and racial lines?


TEXTBOOK: Costanzo, M., & Krauss, D. (2021). Forensic and Legal Psychology and Law: Psychological Science Applied to Law (4th ed.). New York: Worth Publishers.

INSTRUCTIONS: One of the more divisive issues in this field is the death penalty. Taking into account class lectures and the text, discuss your view of the death penalty in a 2-3 page reaction paper. Should it be kept, or abolished? Do you think it is applied fairly along social and racial lines? Be sure to tie in the sentencing goals described in chapter 10, citing those goals met by the death penalty, and those unmet ( GET FROM TEXTBOOK LISTED ABOVE ). Again, be persuasive and rational in your argument.