In introducing the third tenet of Conscious Capitalism, authors Mackey and Sisodia (2014) posit the following: ?Conscious leadership is perhaps the most important element in Conscious Capitalism. Without conscious leadership, little else matters. The finest, most conscious corporation can be led badly astray and even destroyed if it hires or promotes the wrong kind of leaders? (p. 178).
For your initial post this week, offer your thoughts and perspective on the quotation above. Develop your post by addressing the following aspects:
1. Describe the qualities that you think are most important for someone to be recognized as a conscious leader.
2. Offer your advice on how to develop the qualities you described above.
3. Give an example of someone who you believe is a good role model or coach as a conscious leader, and explain your reasoning.
Q2)give comments to the below 2 posts(1-2 paragraphs)
Post 1: Taylor Garvin
This week I am checking in at a -1. I am feeling unmotivated and tired. Last week was a long week and this week will also be long.
Conscious leaders love to serve, lead, and help. They lead with high integrity and have a great capacity for love and care. “Great leadership is authentic leadership. Authenticity is not a characteristic: it is who you are. It means knowing who you are and what your purpose is” (Mackey & Sisodia, p. 183). Concious leaders need to have multiple types of intelligence: emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and systems intelligence. I think the most important qualities a conscious leader must have are: love, care, the multiple types of intelligence, authenticity, and self-awareness.
Ways that someone can develop these concious leadership qualities include following their heart and finding their purpose, having positive role models, having a good coach or mentor, cultivating the higher virtues, developing their higher emotional intelligence, developing their systems intelligence, and creating higher levels of consciousness. Chapter 14 does a great job laying each of these out and goes deeper into them.
One of my current managers is a good model of a conscious leader. She does an excellent job serving not only the business but also her community, she leads with poise, confidence, and appreciation. She knows that each employee is important to the operations. Helping is second nature for her, she is always more than willing to help with anything she can. Her emotional and spiritual intelligence is high but could be improved upon. However, her systems intelligence is amazing she gets to the root of the problem and begins solving it. Authenticity and self-awareness are two of her many concious leadership qualities I admire most. She always says true to herself and the employees. Her self-awareness allows her to grow as a leader but it also encourages team growth.
Post 2: Jasmine
I am checking in a +2 feeling hopefull, excited and happy that I am starting to settle in to class and work ahead or get my work done at a reasonable time frame. I often feel sometimes I am doing 27 things at one time and lose track of most things because I take on too much or being a mom of 3 can be overwhelming.
My idea of a conscious leader is one who listens to their team of people prior to decision making, and one who can handle conflict or face adversity. A conscious leader also is an adaptive leader. The world as we know it changes often and a conscious leader needs to be able to adjust when necessary.
The biggest advice I could possibly give outside of involving others on your team or going back to what has worked before or not worked in the past, I would say being self aware is the key. When you have self awareness you know how to respond in different situations and pressure does not alter how you operate. I would also suggest at times, when necessary, allowing a facilitator to come in. This can help a leader be conscious or show others just how conscious you are.
My current prinicipal is a good example of this. There have been a few controversal things happening over the last few months and he has recognized that the entire staff needs an updated Diversity training so we can understand the population we work with and how to handle different situations. The principal has gotten better at involving others in some decision makings where it is necessary.